1. The material which is provided on this website is only for general use and for information only. The material can be change without notice.
2. No warranty or guarantee should be given by Grow taller accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability of the information and materials which is here on the website. Here we Grow taller do our best to avoid mistakes and errors but if there are some inaccuracies on this website, there is no liability of Grow taller for any situation where this may occur.
3. It shall be totally your responsibility if you are using any information or material from this website than to confirm that any premium plans, services, or information will satisfy your requirements. You should use these premium plans or information at your own risk. Grow taller shall not be not liable.
4. All trademarks reproduced in this website / App which is not the property of, or licensed to, the operator is acknowledged on the website.
5. Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense.
6. Before starting this personal training session the user is required to consult his physician or health care professional whether this training suits him or not. If your physician advises not to use this training program then don’t start it.
7. The result of this personal training program may vary from person to person. This training program may involve risk of injury as it is related to various exercises, Fitness, or personal training. If you are choosing this fitness training program, you acknowledged and agreed not to hold any person associated with the website name for any injuries or damages that you may incur.